Saint John XXIII [5634]
• 8709 Preston Highway   • Louisville, KY 40219  


Council 5634 By-Laws

(Approved) October 2013)

Article IV – Meetings

Section 1. Regular meetings of this Council shall be held on the 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of each month. The first meeting of each month on the 2nd Tuesday shall be the Officer‘s Meeting, and the second meeting of each month shall be the regular Business Meeting. All meetings shall be called to order and commence at 7:30pm. Twelve (12) members shall constitute a quorum at Business Meetings.

Section 2. All meetings of the Council shall be presided over by the Grand Knight, who will ascertain from the Warden if all present are possessed of the current membership card.

Section 3. The order of business and procedure at regular Business Meetings shall conform to Section 125 of the Laws of the Order.